Friday, September 26, 2014

Stressing Out!

Take a rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. *Ovid

Hannah dealt with her first college tests this week.  She quickly learned how stressful they can be.  She studied hard and will be glad when 2:00 comes today because she will be finished with her math test.  This is the last one this week. But then, there's next week!

All this stress was stressing me out!  My teachers were stressing too!  But then, as teachers we are always stressing about many different things.  We especially worry about out students and how to reach the ones who are struggling, the ones who need higher level activities, the ones with a not so great home-life, and the list goes on and on. 

Stress can be many things to us.  It can be anxiety, conflict, frustration. Recognizing stress and taking care of yourself is very important to your well-being.

Some indicators of stress are: perspiring more, hot and flustered, tense muscles, dry mouth, stomach knots, faster heart beat and quickened pulse.  Some emotional indicators of stress are anxiety, fear, depression, anger, sadness, apprehension, and grief.  Aggressiveness, avoidance, withdrawal, and irritability are a few of the behavioral indicators of stress.

Some ways to take care of yourself include taking a short break, relaxation exercises, taking a walk, sleep, and taking deep breaths.   Some ways to be proactive about stress include visiting with your health care provider, talk to friends, get a good night's sleep, and regular exercise.

If you see someone stressing out then be a friend who will listen to them and help resolve problems the friend may be encountering.  Organize meetings with others who are having similar stressful situations.  It always helps to know there is a support group and you are not in it alone. 

Yes, teaching is stressful, but rewarding.  Just go down the hall, find a friend, and drive to the nearest Starbuck's.  There's nothing like a great cup of coffee and friends to relieve stress!

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